A Premise liability lawsuit can be referred to as a legal claim arising from a personal injury accident that was caused by hazardous or defective conditions on public and private property. While most premise liability lawsuits are based on negligence, the claim is easier said than done as the injured party has to prove that the property owner was aware of the unsafe conditions but failed to repair them or put up warning signage for visitors.
You should also be aware of the comparative fault principle which is usually used in premise liability cases. This principle dictates that visitors must use reasonable care to keep themselves safe, meaning you might be partially responsible for the accident and will only be compensated according to the percentage of fault.
As a result, it is crucial to consult with an experienced premises liability attorney in New York if you were involved in such an accident in New York City. The attorney can help strengthen your claim against the property owner for compensation of loss of earning potential, lost wages, pain and suffering, medical expenses, and much more. That being the case, there are several types of cases that qualify for these lawsuits. They include:
Slip and Fall Accidents
Slip and fall accidents continue to top the list of premise liability lawsuits. These accidents can occur due to the existence of risky conditions such as wet floors, defective stair rails, falling debris, and much more. Victims of slip and fall cases in New York State are required to file a premise liability lawsuit within 3 years to avoid loss of their claim. For this reason, you should consider hiring a premises liability attorney in New York for a prompt investigation that should reveal the property owner’s negligence and recklessness. Traumatic Brain Injury, hip and spine fractures, concussions, and lacerations are Some of the injuries that you might experience if involved in a slip and fall accident. Therefore your demand for a valuable settlement claim should include the use of doctors and therapy reports and any medical bills you incurred while recovering from the accident.
Swimming Pool Accidents
Swimming pool accidents mainly involve children who access the unsupervised and unsecured pool. For this reason, most if not all states have enacted laws that require swimming pool owners to fence around them. Therefore, swimming pool accidents may occur due to negligence of the owner if found that they left their pool open and unguarded making swimming pool accidents qualify for a premise liability lawsuit.
Inadequate building Security
Inadequate building security is common in apartment buildings and offices if they are not secure enough to prevent outsiders from accessing the buildings. As a result, the building owner should act reasonably in ensuring their buildings are secure by employing security guards or taking any other security measures in securing access to their apartment buildings. However, if you are assaulted in an apartment building by either someone who broke in or walked through an unlocked door, you can file a premise liability lawsuit against the property owner on grounds of failing to act reasonably in securing the building.
Construction site accidents, elevator accidents, dog bites also qualify as Premise liability lawsuits. As a result, if you were involved in either of the accidents in New York City you should consult a premises liability attorney, who can help in proving that the property owner knew about the condition that led to your accident and much more.